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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

About Me

That's me on the right. The beautiful woman on my far right is the mother of my four kids, Pam. Only two are pictured, because the other two have left the nest and presented us with 3 grandkids. Yes, we spaced them out!

Since I know a lot about me, I could bore you to tears with a bunch of stuff you don't care about. Even the short version may be too much.

I started selling door-to-door at age five. Personalized greeting cards for Christmas and all occassions. Never did I dream I would end up spending most of my adult life selling personalized bottles for Christmas and all occassions.

I really liked selling, but I liked many, many, many things. So at age 12 I decided I wanted to be the Man For All Seasons. Thus I have become adequate at many things, but the master of very little. Hopefully my 50 years of selling and 35 years of marketing qualify me to create this blog. You'll know by whether it helps you or not.

Along the way I have written 3 books for the bicycle industry on how to run a bike shop, a general business book titled "When Friday Isn't Payday," and a book for the Christian market. February will see the release of Running a Twentieth Century Small Business under the Warner Books Label.

To confuse matters I have earned degrees in Pschology and Law at UCLA. I determined very early that I couldn't handle being a shrink and that lawyers were not very nice people. So, making and selling bicycle bottles seemed like a better deal.

I have spent 25 years running American Quality Producst with my partner Terry Brown. We look forward to serving you as needed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No offence man, but how did you get such a good looking wife?

8:30 AM  

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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission