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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Home Runs or Base Hits

During the Roberts Hearings for Chief Justice, baseball analogies seemed all the rage, so I'm just picking up that ball (whoops! That's football.)

Terry and I were discussing corporate marketing strategy the other day, and he said: "If only we could get another home run like that project we did . . ." I shook my head in ready agreement, thinking back to the nice revenue and profit stream that was generated by that long ball.

However, while the homers are pretty to watch and bring everybody to their feet, it seems like the guys who win the World Series generally get more hits. Oh, they also make fewer errors. One more. They always show up. That last one, is an inside baseball phrase that means they are ready to play and play at 110% every day.

I'm going to make a prediction here. Go out swinging for singles, and once in a while you're going to knock it out of here. Go out swinging for homers and you're going to get far fewer hits of any kind, and many more strike outs. The home run strategy can work, but the odds favor the singles hitter.


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