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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Marketing Lesson 101

I know there is a marketing lesson here, but I can't quite figure out what it is. This sculpture sold for $23.8 Million. At auction, no less. I'm not some old fuddy duddy who doesn't appreciate modern art or things that are unusual. My favorite artists include Escher.

I know there are some outstanding marketers who are reading this blog. Help me out here. Why? If we can get the secret, maybe we can replicate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randy - The sculpture represents delicate balance. The delicate balance we must maintain in our lives to achieve success and to live happy, productive lives. The different shapes represent differences. Different people, opinions, attitudes and beliefs. - Can anyone top that?

9:28 AM  
Blogger Randy Kirk said...

Wow! You see that? Great work. I have no idea if that's what it means, but it could be.

9:53 AM  

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