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This page is specifically designed for sellers of advertising specialty, promotional products, premiums, and swag.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Good Point From Unfavorable Article

If you go here you can read an article you won't like. This writer doesn't care too much for swag. However, she does make one great point in her only really positive comment:

"There are plenty of anecdotal reports about how promotions encourage customer goodwill and spark a modest increase in referrals, for instance. There are oodles of surveys that delve into what recipients look for in promotional products (usefulness, quality, and attractiveness)."

Sure, I would agree with that since California Springs Water Bottles are useful, high quality, and attractive. But maybe you can use this quote to convince someone to spend an extra dime or quarter to get the very something that might actually make it home with the customer, and get used.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a painful article but a good dose of reality to consider when suggesting promotional ideas to customers.

1:34 PM  

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