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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tooooooo Many Choices

As mentioned earlier, we are doing some remodeling at the Kirk house. Storage in the garage, built ins for the den, all new kitchen, new sunroom on the back, exterior paint, carpet. No, it hasn't been such a great year! We refinanced. : )

Anyway, the point is this. The only really hard part of all this change was the monumental amount of choices. The decision for a kitchen faucet was more difficult and took longer than creating and introducing a new product line. Home depot must have 200 faucets alone. That doesn't count what you find on line. I'm exhausted just recalling it.

I can tell you, Mrs. Kirk was pretty stressed by all the choices, too. First, you review, then you select, then you change your mind, then ........no matter what your choice, you second guess yourself and suffer buyers remorse.


Limit the choices you give your client. Do the culling for them. Bring them the best of the lot. Let them be the one to say, "I need to see it in red or bigger or with bells on." Let them be the one to say, "I don't like any of those ideas, what else do you have." I think you will be amazed by how frequently they will be very pleased to have their choices reduced to a reasonable number.


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