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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Women - Our Market

After attending my first trade show in the Promotional Products Business, I was struck by the difference in traffic compared to the industry we were most familiar with. In the bicycle business, most of the owners and buyers were men. In promotional products, I know this will be a big surprise, most of the owners, buyers, sales professionals, and every other job description are women.

Since that day in 1994, I have also been to a few end user shows put on by distributors. While not quite as lopsided, I think it is safe to say that most buyers of promotional products are also women.

So we end up with an industry that has women selling to women. However, I think a quick check of the advertising, web sites, and promotional material produced by Suppliers and Distributors does not take the "woman" factor into account.

A few hours of research later and my first find was to locate a number of blogs owned by copywriters, designers, and marketers who specialize in knowing what women want. I know that knowing what women want is usually a set up for a big punch line, but in this case your humble blogmaster will attempt in this article and several future ones to unpack what I have found on the subject.

My first wake up call can be summarized by saying that men want the stats, the pictures, and the sales pitch. Women want to know how their decision will effect their overall lifestyle. If you'd like to know more about this check out the May archives for Andrea Learned's blog.

I'll return to this topic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your article on women as buyers. My husband and I get a chuckle almost every time we go to the big PPAI Show in January. I am the CEO, the designer of programs, the buyer and the main sales person to the big accounts for our company. My husband is indeed a partner, but he is the CFO, in other words, an accountant. He comes along to give me an extra pair of eyes and also to make sure I get the "male" point of view. If we enter a booth together, at least 50% of the time the booth personnel will zero in on him, ignoring me. While we both have a "buyer" lanyard on, many of them just assume he is in charge.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Randy W. Kirk said...

I can see that happening. I think there is a lesson there. No deference. Treat both equally. SAAC show is next week. I will try it out.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:42 PM  

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