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Thursday, March 02, 2006

New Book Update

The new book, Running A 21st Century Small Business, rises on Amazon.com from 234,000 best selling to 5,600. If you go look right now it will undoubtedly be the 9,876th best seller or some other number. It really jumps all around. In any case, hopefully you'll go visit and buy one for your use. Or you might consider purchasing several as a PROMOTIONAL PRODUCT that you could give away to your small business customers.

Now, it would seem to me that there would also be an opportunity to offer this book to banks, insurance companies and others as a promotional product. If you would like more info on that, send me an e-mail.


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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission