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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Boy Scout Motto = Sales Professional Motto

Everyone knows the Boy Scout Motto, right? For the few who aren't in the know, the motto is "BE PREPARED." And I suspect that almost anyone reading this blog generally makes their presentations with preparation. Now think back over your last few calls. Grade your level of prep. Is there any chance that more effort would have increased the chances for success?

Terry Brown, my partner of 25+ years (who's counting) belongs in the hall of fame when it comes to making presentations. His goal is to close every sale on the first call. Here are a few of the methods I've seen him use.

1. Samples are removed from his sample bag and completely repacked for any in person presentation. Samples are added or removed based on the specific customer.

2. A written proposal specific to the call with color pictures is prepared for each person in attendance. He has created a basic format so that he can plug in the specifics for each call. Visiting the client's website can provide huge amounts of info and pictures that can make the presentation personal.

3. By going through these two processes, it creates a focus on the customer and their needs.

4. You can use these same approaches to talk by phone. E-mail the proposal prior to the call. Pictures of all relevant samples can be part of the e-mail.

Now we'll switch to the variations to this theme that are part of my style.

1. I use questions to make it clear that I want to know the customer's situation thoroughly prior to making my recommendations. This might mean that the written proposal or the samples end up being off a bit, but no one will ever criticize you for having done the advance work. In fact, from time-to-time, the advance work that appears to be off base after the questions are answered, may look real good as the client leafs through it.

These questions are prepared in advance, even though there has to be flexibility built in to allow things to be truly responsive.

2. The samples are always left hidden in the case until needed. (Actually, Terry does this, too.) I refer to the sample bag as my magic kit. I am constantly unveiling the magic, one sample at a time.

By the time you reach this part of a sales pitch containing this much visible preparation, you should no longer have to worry about someone beating your offer based on price alone.


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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission