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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tips for E-Mail Blast Contents

Your e-mail blasts are getting opened at a higher rate now that your "From" and "Subject" lines are better. However, since your prospect can now identify the email as coming from You, he can choose to Trash before opening or even permanently deposit you in the Junk. Why would he do such a thing? Why do YOU do that to some blasts you receive? (Not California Springs, of course.) Because after you've opened some of them once or twice or a few times, you see they are not for you. In this industry that would be saying a lot, since there are very few things that would never be "for you." But the copy is dull, or the specials aren't, or the material is not forwardable to your own list.

So, with your own experience as a receiver in mind, how can you make sure your prospects keep opening their e-mails after they once give you a try.

Only send e-mails that make a good read. Every e-mail won't apply to every client. Some will never buy a pen. Some will never buy a water bottle (well, that's not as clear.) But, even if the product or idea being presented isn't likely to be exciting, the email needs to be.

Once again, go to our and review some of the great ads my partner, Terry Brown, has produced. They are alive, colorful, packed with ideas, and show something you may have never thought of before. Now think about the vast majority of the blasts you receive. Product picture, three words about it, price grid. You send me three like that, and I'll mark you as Junk.

I would make 1/2 to 1/3 of my blasts primarily text. Of course, in a perfect world, I would recommend using those text e-mails to drive customers to a blog like this. But if you don't have a blog, use the text email to drive folks to your website. But it needs to be fun, cheeky even. You need to use some of that old hype to get them to make another click. As easy as it is to click that link, people resist. Make the reason irresistible. If they don't go, they won't find out about . . .

So ends our short series on improving your blasts. Subject line, From line, Content. Say it with me Subject line, From line, Content. P.S. (Notice up above how I drove you to our specials page. Heh Heh.)


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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission