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Monday, September 26, 2005

Corporate Logo Gives a Mention

Karen Butler of Corporate Logo Magazine sent an email the other month, suggesting we should keep in touch. Well she really reached out and touched me this time with a very nice mention in this month's mag and on the website

To make things even more special, she took the germ of an idea that started here with Women-Our Market, was followed up with an interview with Andrea Lerned, and she just fleshed it out wonderfully.

I am so impressed with the article that I would like to just repeat the whole thing in my blog, but that isn't quite how things work in the blogosphere. Let me give you a couple of teasers so that you make the very wise decision to go read the entire article.

Smooth Sale-ing

When working with a female buyer or creating a promotion for female recipients, distributors should keep several key points in mind.

1. Women like products that have a specific use.

"I'll drink beer from a martini glass. I have my morning coffee in a pilsner if it's the nearest thing. Heck, I've been known to sip chocolate milk from a brandy snifter. I have no style or taste when it comes to this sort of thing. Upon speaking with the ladies I work with, I learned this was a decidedly male affliction."

Nick Rericha, director of sales, ETS Express in Oxnard, Calif.

2. Your sales presentation style matters.

Many female clients respond better to a softer sales tactic, with a key-point detailed presentation of product utility and quality. Many male clients respond to a harder, more in-the-face sales tactic. Both are looking for the quality features of products, but the presentation of these features needs to be different.

Janet Trachter, vice president marketing and sales, Starline USA Inc. in Grand Island, N.Y.

3. Appearances are important.

Of course, in the article, the details of #3 appear along with subjects 4-8. And there are at least another 10 important tidbits of info that might make you money today or tomorrow if you will only go here.

So, thanks Karen for making me famous for my alloted 15 minutes, and for great research on the subject of marketing to women.


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