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This page is specifically designed for sellers of advertising specialty, promotional products, premiums, and swag.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

32 Miles Straight Downhill

I'm sitting here trying to think of a way to turn this post into solid advice for selling Swag. Sorry. Just thought you'd like to see a picture of a perfect stranger that could be me going down the steepest 32 mile road in the world. You start out at the top of Haleakala Volcano, and a couple of hours later you're at the seashore, having only peddled for 1/4 mile. It is commonly 32 degrees or so at the top and 85 at the shore.

Next time you're in Maui, do this. I've gone 3 times, and can't recommend it enough. Sell, Sell, Sell!! Then you can go do this. (I couldn't help myself getting in a little salesmanager language.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just did the big downhill on Tuesday 8/16. Awesome experience! The sunrise was beyond belief! Haleakala is amazing!
Ah, sadly, I am back in the office on the east coast now dealing with clients who need their stuff yesterday. Perhaps THEY need to get away too!

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope to try that one day, too. Working my way there!


11:34 AM  

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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission