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Friday, September 30, 2005

Personal Inventory and Annual Review

I know! I said I can't recommend Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill anymore. There are too many crazy ideas about Sex Transmutation and such. However, today is the next to the last time I'm going to draw from the book an excellent nugget that you can really use to build your career.

Take a personal inventory.
Actually write it down. The good stuff. The bad stuff.

Now set goals to correct or forget about bad stuff plus improve or maintain good stuff.

Next, make a plan with real specific methods for how you're going to do this.

Each year on New Years eve or day or your birthday or any day you pick, review your goals and plans and give yourself a grade card.

What might some of the personal inventory items look like:

I have a good attitude
I am a negative thinker
I feel good about myself and who I am
I get up early and work hard all day
I set goals, make plans, and then execute
I work well with others
I am giving back to my community
I am disciplined in my habits
I have certain habits I want to make or break
I have a pleasing personality
I don't give up
I give my clients more than is expected
I have personal integrity
I am a good spouse and/or parent
I keep my commitments

You get the idea.

Start today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I am enjoying your blogs. They are fun, aren't they?

Secondly, it is a noble thought that you are going to use "Think and Grow Rich" this one last time as a reference/thought point. Good luck. I have been utilizing Napoleon Hill's book for years, and I can never excape it's logic, truth and simplicity. And I never get tired of it.

Keep up the good work.
Promotions First

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've started doing this the last few years on my birthday - doing a personal inventory, and it has morphed into an ongoing process. For those whom have not tried it, it is really very beneficial to keep yourself focused. I highly recommend it.

I wanted to say how much I also really enjoy your blogs. You are quite an eloquent writer with a mirthful sense of humor and I really like your positivity! Keep writing...it's such a joy to read and I'm learning nice tidbits along the way...

11:20 AM  

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