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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Garbage Disposal Installed

Our new kitchen is almost finished. The contractor assured us it would be done in three weeks. I'm pretty impressed that it may be done in a little over six. Future articles might use this experience as examples of customer service - not.

Just about the last thing to go in will be our new In-Sink-Erator garbage disposal. Its the full one horsepower unit with reverse for clearing out jams. The cost with tax and installation will be about $395.00. My first thought. That is so inexpensive. Sure, you can get a disposal for $100, but this top of the line is $395.00. We've spent way more than that on dinner for four...maybe even for two in Paris.

I'm guessing that $395.00 isn't that much money for you either. Imagine if you could make an investment that small which guarantees a 10X return or your money back? The TOP SECRETS program by David Blaise does just that.

There is a very good reason why the folks at TOP SECRETS offer a money back guarantee. No one who uses their methods will fail to increase sales and profits. You can spend a few hours reading through my blog and you will see many of the same ideas that you get in the over 6 hours of CD's. However, what is offered here are sales tips that will provide you with daily pep talks. David Blaise offers a comprehensive package with specific action steps.

Our company is 25 years old with sales of over $4,000,000, but I am already implementing things in our company that I heard in the TOP SECRETS CD's. I could not recommend this program more highly. Please note that we will receive a commission if you purchase any products from TOP SECRETS by clicking through to their site at any of the links above or this one. If you would rather call 800-494-2721 and place your order, please tell them you heard about it at Randy's Blog. Do it right now before you forget and miss out on $3950 in additional commissions this year.


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Selling promotional products can be a very rewarding career. I hope that ideas contained in this site will help you become successful in the Advertising Specialty Business. If you wish to contact me personally, do so by sending an email to Randy_Kirk@CaliforniaSprings.com "Selling Promotional Products" articles may be reproduced with permission or linked without permission