TEN Things You Can Do To Guarantee $1,000,000 in Sales This Year

Don't expect to see some huge major revelation in the following list. If you have been reading my blog, every one of these has been covered in the past 12 months. My guess is that you aren't doing them. Maybe one. Maybe two. Maybe none. But the list is foolproof, if you should ever decide to own every item on the list. Please note that if you click on the short versions below, each one will take you to a full article on the subject.
1. Set goals - The process of setting goals is one of the most effective ways to increase sales. This is something you do nights and weekends, not during the sales day.
2. Make lots of cold calls - If you're not at $1,000,000 yet, you need more customers. Use e-mail, mailers, networking, etc. to create prospect lists.
3. Prepare and educate yourself in your lines, your industry, and your craft (sales). Read books, listed to CD's, attend seminars on success and selling. As much as humanly possible, do this in evenings and weekends.
4. Execute - Getting the order is less than half the battle. You will generate more sales from existing customers than from new ones. Give your clients 110%.
5. Do everything with enthusiasm. There is no substitute for an enthusiastic attitude, and enthusiasm can be a substitute for many other shortfalls.
6. Create a niche that you can exploit. Don't try to be all things to all people. You can't know 500,000 products.
7. Establish a market driven approach. I suggest website/blog/e-mails.
8. Ask existing customers for testimonials and leads.
9. Don't ever give up. Invest in your future with whatever it takes for a year or two. The dividends will last for years.
10. No excuses. Don't be ruled by the economy, the customer, the suppliers, your boss, your bank, or your bad attitudes. It's 100% up to you. I guess I've never written an article on this subject. I need to do that.
Does this list make sense to you? Would you add to it? Subtract from it? A different order of importance? Let me know in the comments.
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